The Challenge of Matchmaking Balance in League of Legends

September 16, 2024

The Challenge of Matchmaking Balance in League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) has become a global phenomenon since its release in 2009, attracting millions of players worldwide. As a complex, multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, its core experience hinges on competitive matches where players test their skills, strategies, and teamwork. However, beneath the surface of exhilarating gameplay lies a persistent issue: matchmaking balance. The system that places players into games has been a topic of heated debate and scrutiny, influencing both player satisfaction and the overall game experience. This article delves into the intricate challenges of matchmaking balance in League of Legends, exploring its evolution, current issues, and potential solutions.

Historical Overview of Matchmaking Systems

The Early Days: Elo and Normal Matchmaking

In the early stages of League of Legends, matchmaking was based primarily on the Elo rating system, borrowed from chess. The Elo system worked on a simple principle: players’ ratings adjusted based on wins and losses. Although this system provided a basic level of competitive fairness, it had several limitations in the context of a complex game like LoL.

Introduction of the Dynamic Queue System

In 2015, Riot Games introduced the Dynamic Queue system, allowing players to queue with friends of varying skill levels. This system aimed to balance team composition dynamically, but it introduced new issues such as greater disparities in skill levels within teams, particularly in lower ranks where players might have friends in higher ranks.

The Rise of the Ranked Solo/Duo Queue

Changes and Community Reactions

In response to criticism of the Dynamic Queue, Riot Games reverted to the Ranked Solo/Duo queue system in 2016. This system allowed players to rank up individually or with one partner, which aimed to mitigate some issues seen with the Dynamic Queue. However, while this system improved some aspects of matchmaking, it also introduced new challenges, including the complexity of balancing team compositions and the issue of “smurfing,” where experienced players create new accounts to play against less experienced opponents.

Impact on Player Experience

The Ranked Solo/Duo queue has been both praised and criticized. On the positive side, it has provided a clearer, more individualized ranking system. On the downside, it has also intensified the focus on individual performance rather than team dynamics, which can lead to frustration when players feel that their efforts are undermined by their teammates.

Matchmaking in Teamfight Tactics: A Parallel Perspective

Comparison with League of Legends

Teamfight Tactics (TFT), Riot’s auto-battler game, offers a different approach to matchmaking. In TFT, the matchmaking system is influenced by a player’s performance across multiple rounds rather than a single match. This system is less about real-time coordination and more about strategic planning over time. Comparing TFT’s matchmaking with LoL’s can provide insights into different approaches to balancing player skills and experiences.

Lessons Learned from TFT

One key takeaway from TFT is the importance of adapting matchmaking systems to the specific demands of a game mode. While TFT’s system focuses on long-term performance, LoL’s real-time, team-based nature requires a different approach, emphasizing the need for constant adjustments and improvements in matchmaking algorithms.

The Role of Algorithmic Adjustments

Adaptive Matchmaking Algorithms

Riot Games has employed various algorithmic adjustments to enhance matchmaking balance. These adjustments include factors like individual performance metrics, win rates, and champion proficiency. The goal is to create more balanced and fair matches, but achieving this balance is challenging due to the dynamic nature of player skill and behavior.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite these efforts, algorithmic adjustments face limitations. For instance, the matchmaking system can sometimes struggle to account for team dynamics, such as synergy between champions and roles. Additionally, the system must continuously evolve to address emerging issues, such as new champion releases and shifts in the meta-game.

Smurfing and Its Impact on Matchmaking

The Smurfing Phenomenon

Smurfing, where highly skilled players create new accounts to play against less experienced opponents, poses a significant challenge to matchmaking balance. This practice undermines the integrity of the ranking system and affects the experience of lower-ranked players. Riot Games has implemented various measures to combat smurfing, but it remains a persistent issue.

Efforts to Mitigate Smurfing

To address smurfing, Riot has introduced features like higher starting ranks for new accounts and more sophisticated detection algorithms. However, these measures have had varying degrees of success, and smurfing continues to be a thorny problem that disrupts matchmaking balance.

The Impact of Role Queue and Champion Select

Role Queue Implementation

In 2019, Riot introduced the Role Queue system, allowing players to select their preferred roles before entering a match. This change aimed to address issues related to role imbalance and improve team composition. The Role Queue system has had a significant impact on matchmaking, leading to more balanced team compositions and better player satisfaction in terms of role fulfillment.

Challenges with Role Queue

Despite its advantages, Role Queue has also introduced new challenges. Players may experience longer wait times for matches and issues with role distribution, particularly in lower ranks where players might not have a strong preference for roles. Balancing these factors remains an ongoing challenge for Riot Games.

The Meta-Game and Its Influence on Matchmaking

The Evolving Meta-Game

The meta-game in League of Legends refers to the prevailing strategies, champion picks, and team compositions that dominate the competitive scene. The meta-game is continually evolving, influenced by patches, balance changes, and professional play. This dynamic nature can significantly impact matchmaking balance, as players adapt to new strategies and champion picks.

Adaptation to Meta Changes

Riot Games must constantly adapt its matchmaking system to reflect changes in the meta-game. This involves adjusting algorithms to account for new champion releases, balance changes, and shifts in popular strategies. Maintaining balance amidst these changes requires a delicate balance between responsiveness and stability.

Community Feedback and Its Role in Shaping Matchmaking

The Importance of Player Feedback

Community feedback plays a crucial role in shaping matchmaking systems. Riot Games actively monitors player feedback and data to identify issues and make adjustments. The company engages with the community through forums, surveys, and social media to gather insights and address concerns.

Examples of Community-Driven Changes

Several changes to matchmaking have been driven by community feedback. For instance, adjustments to smurfing detection and improvements to the Role Queue system were influenced by player concerns. Riot Games’ responsiveness to feedback demonstrates the importance of player input in refining the matchmaking experience.

Future Directions and Potential Solutions

Innovations and Experimental Approaches

Looking ahead, Riot Games is exploring various innovations to enhance matchmaking balance. This includes experimenting with new algorithms, integrating machine learning, and exploring alternative matchmaking models. These innovations aim to address current issues and improve the overall player experience.

Long-Term Strategies for Balance

Long-term strategies for improving matchmaking balance involve a combination of algorithmic improvements, community engagement, and adaptability to changes in the game. Riot Games must continue to refine its approach, balancing the need for fairness with the complexities of the game’s evolving nature.


The challenge of matchmaking balance in League of Legends is a multifaceted issue that has evolved alongside the game itself. From the early days of the Elo system to the current complexities of the Role Queue and dynamic meta-game, Riot Games has faced numerous challenges in creating a fair and enjoyable competitive experience. While significant progress has been made, ongoing issues such as smurfing, role distribution, and adaptation to the meta-game continue to test the limits of matchmaking systems.

Looking ahead, Riot Games’ commitment to innovation and responsiveness to player feedback will be crucial in addressing these challenges. By continuing to refine algorithms, explore new approaches, and engage with the community, Riot Games can work towards achieving a more balanced and satisfying matchmaking experience for all players.